The SELECTOR SPACE web studio lives by developing websites. Everyone is faced with the question: Is it better to order or buy a website for business? Each site is a solution to a specific problem, the following types of sites are distinguished:

  • landing page;
  • Internet portal;
  • website business card;
  • corporate site;
  • Internet-shop;
  • catalog of goods;
  • news portal;
  • blog;
  • marketplace.

Development for all business niches

The web studio SELECTOR.SPACE develops the design and functionality of sites for all business niches – from one-page or landing sites to an online shop with numerous products. To create a website nowadays, you only need to have the desire, patience and time. In the web studio, the main stages of creating websites are distinguished:

  • website analysis;
  • analysis of competitor sites in the niche;
  • design a prototype;
  • UI/UX design;
  • site layout;
  • development of user interfaces;
  • adaptive;
  • SEO optimization;
  • external promotion and advertising.

Site development process

Do you want to know more details about how does the “site creation” magic happen? The analysis of the site, as a result, will provide the necessary data about the niche and competitors in it. Accordingly, you will also receive a list of actions to anticipate them. By the way, you can order a site audit for free using these contacts. We will need 1-2 workdays, and you will receive a report on your website. Having found out all the advantages of the competitors, we apply them when creating a prototype of the future site and can proceed to design (redesign, if you already have a website).


Web design is a part of web development. Its mission is to graphically depict the placement of site elements. A web designer is quite a creative person, but they should guide their “creation” by solving the problem set before the site. Also, the design should include adaptive development. The adaptability of the website is the correct behavior of all its elements on the screens of any device.


The next step is layout. Website layout is the embodiment of design in a “live”, functioning website. In simple words – writing code or designing blocks on site pages. All elements must correspond to the specified sizes and behaviors, which are provided by the design, regardless of whether they are business card sites or landing pages.


It is worth noting that the development of an online store takes the most time, both in terms of design and in terms of its implementation itself. After all, an online store is not just a landing page with the necessary content. This is a set of interconnected pages and their elements aimed at selling goods or services. In turn, a business card site requires less time and effort. A business card site is a web resource that consists of one or more pages. It contains information about a company, individual or legal entity, several goods or services, and contact information. Many needs can be covered by this approach to the website with minimal time and financial costs.

For medium and large companies, it is important to have a decent presence in the virtual space.A corporate site is a full-fledged platform on the Internet for corporate business. It provides the necessary communication and supports communication between company employees.

Site Promotion (SEO)

The stages of creating a website also include search engine optimization (SEO). By definition, search optimization is a set of actions that will bring the website as close as possible to the requirements of search engine algorithms. This is done in order to increase the position of the site in the search according to the desired requests. As a result, the higher the position of the site in the output of search engines, the greater the probability of interest in the product or service.

The stages of creating a site are completed by the step of external promotion. His main task is to gradually increase the amount of information and links about the site on the Internet.

So order or buy a website? Make your choice!

The correct and thoughtful approach to the implementation of each step will make you think about how to process all orders instead of where to take them.

Our web studio uses 2 approaches to implement business site development:

  1. Development of a unique site with individually developed details
  2. Implementation of business needs on a ready-made site (using ready-made templates for creating sites)

Each option has its advantages and disadvantages. You can calculate your option using the “Cost Calculation Calculator” on this page. For more information, fill out the feedback form to get a free consultation, or contact us in a way convenient for you, and we will help you decide whether to order or buy a website.

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      Cases from SELECTOR.SPACE

      View of the site catalog of the production company on mobile devices View of the site catalog of the production company on a laptop

      Site catalog of the production company

      Go to the page with a description of the site catalog of the production companyProject details View siteSwitch to viewing the site catalog of the production company

      The website is the business card of the company

      Security company business card website view on a laptop Security company business card website view on mobile devices
      Go to the page with a description of the business card website project of the security company Project details View siteSwitch to viewing the security company's business card website
      All casesArrow to go to the page with a list of all Cases of the web studio SELECTOR.SPACE

      Reviews of our customers

      Shambala Ayurvedic Center

      We are very satisfied with cooperation with Mykola and his team. We have been working for more than 4 years. We ordered a site from "0" and its SEO promotion. All communication is quick and easy. Clear execution of tasks and a high level of responsibility, initiative and accessible explanation of additional nuances. We can recommend!

      PMZ "Denasmash"

      Thanks to the SELECTOR SPACE team for the development, design and SEO of our company's denasmash.com website

      Excellent work, they did everything well, taking into account all our wishes and desires) A team of specialists who help 24/7, a support platform with a history of requests - a good opportunity for analysis, our manager always knows what he pays the bills for, because the work of SELECTOR SPACE is 100% price = quality

      KIDS PLACE English language school

      I have been working with SELECTOR SPACE for less than a year, using SMM services, but the result is incredible: an increase in clients, active engagement of the audience. Always fresh, trendy ideas! I advise everyone I know.

      RD group service

      I am grateful for the long-term and high-quality cooperation. The time difference of 7 hours did not become an obstacle for the development of an attractive and functional site. / Вдячний за тривалу і якісну співпрацю. Різниця в часі у 7 годин не стала завадою для розробки привабливого та функціонального сайту.

      Siryk dotyk center

      I want to thank SELECTOR SPACE for this short period of time in our joint work.

      It is a pleasure to work with a team that listens to the needs of SMM and does its job well 👌

      I would like to note positive changes for the better in photo and video content. Of course, we still have many plans and we have room to grow. I hope our cooperation will help in the development of my Center for a better future. More and more people are learning about us 👌

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