Order a unique site

In today’s digital world, having a unique and professionally designed website is critical to the success of a business. The website becomes a virtual business card of the brand, reflecting its image, values ​​and professionalism. You can easily order a unique site from us. We will guide you from the idea to implementation, we will tell you how to make the site more profitable. Here are a few reasons why having a unique website is an integral part of your business:

Order a unique website that makes an impression:

A website is the first place where potential customers encounter your brand. Visual design, interactive elements, and overall user experience influence the first impression. All this determines whether the visitor will stay on the site and whether he will be interested in your products or services.


A unique website helps build a strong brand. It can convey your corporate identity, values ​​and the uniqueness of your enterprise. A properly designed site creates a professional and trustworthy image, which increases recognition and allows you to stand out among competitors.

Online presence:

A website is the focal point of your online presence. It creates an opportunity to present your products or services, provide important information about the company and contacts. Customers search for information online before making a purchase decision. Having a professional website will help you gain their trust and interest. Also, our sites are easily combined with other tools for business – CRM, methods of delivery, payment, etc. Currently, there are simply no restrictions in website development, we can easily prove it.

Audience expansion:

A website gives your business access to a global market. You can attract new customers and expand your audience with an effective online presence. Discovering e-commerce or international opportunities can greatly increase your customer base and revenue.

Ensuring competitiveness:

In today’s business environment, being competitive means having an online presence. Many businesses compete for the attention and loyalty of customers, and a unique website helps to stand out among them. It allows you to present your benefits and offers. You have the opportunity to show why you are the best choice for customers.

Marketing opportunities:

A website opens up many opportunities for marketing and promoting your business. You can use digital marketing, content marketing, SEO strategies and other tools to drive traffic, attract customers and increase your popularity.

In general, having a unique website is an important element of success for any business. It allows you to build a strong brand, attract new customers, increase competitiveness and expand your audience. Therefore, ordering a unique site from a professional web studio such as SELECTOR.SPACE can be a key step to the success of your business. SELECTOR.SPACE web studio engaged in design, development and promotion of sites. We have all the necessary knowledge and experience to create a unique site for you that will meet your needs and goals.

We do not offer another website on the Internet

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the website should not be just “another site”. It should reflect your uniqueness, your values ​​and the profitability of your business. Visual design should be attractive, modern and easy to understand. Navigation should be clear and intuitive so that visitors can easily find the information they need.

In addition, the site should have a content management system that allows you to conveniently add, edit and delete content on the site. This will allow you to easily update information, add new products or services, and generally manage the site without having to involve programmers every time.

Site elements

Feedback forms are also an important element of the site. They allow visitors to contact you directly. These can be consultation request forms, news subscriptions or service order forms. They will help you build contact with your customers and improve communication.

Integration with social networks is another important aspect. This will allow you to distribute content from the site through various social media, attract more visitors and improve your online presence. Integrating share buttons and links to your social media profiles will help increase the layering and distribution of your content. This will have a positive effect on attracting new customers and increasing your audience.

An equally important aspect is site optimization for search engines (SEO). In order for your site to appear at the top of the search results, you need to optimize it for certain keywords and use effective SEO strategies. This will help improve your brand’s online visibility, drive more organic traffic, and make your site accessible to potential customers.


It is also important to remember about the security of the site. Hacking protection, data encryption and backup are critical aspects for any website. It is necessary to use reliable security systems. Update software regularly and take steps to prevent vulnerabilities.

All of these elements combined help ensure a successful online presence for your business. Creating a unique website tailored to your needs and goals will allow you to stand out from the competition. Attract new customers, increase your brand and achieve greater success in the market. Contact SELECTOR.SPACE web studio. We are engaged in professional development and promotion of websites. Our company will do everything to ensure that you get a high-quality and unique website that will meet all your needs. Our team of professionals will handle every stage of site development, from analyzing your requirements and goals, design and development, to SEO optimization and after-sales support.

Take the first step to the success of your business in the online world with a unique site from SELECTOR.SPACE. Contact us today and we will be happy to help you create a web presence that will attract the attention of your target audience and help you achieve business success.

What will you get if you order a unique website from us

    1. Design:

      SELECTOR.SPACE approaches web design with professionalism and attention to detail. The design team takes into account the unique needs and branding of the client, creating attractive, modern and functional web designs. When developing the design, the studio focuses on user-friendliness, ensuring easy navigation and pleasant interaction with the website. In addition, SELECTOR.SPACE pays attention to aesthetic aspects, creating attractive and harmonious visual solutions.

    2. Development:

      In website development, SELECTOR.SPACE uses modern methods and technologies to create a functional and reliable product. The development team provides high-quality code using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and other modern languages ​​and frameworks. They develop user-friendly interfaces, integrate necessary functional elements and optimize the product for fast loading and excellent user experience.

    3. Просування:

      SELECTOR.SPACE has a deep understanding of strategies for promoting sites in search engines. A team of SEO specialists uses a variety of techniques. These include keywords, content optimization, link building and competitor analysis. All this helps to increase the visibility of the website in search engines. In addition, the studio uses other digital marketing tools. This is social media marketing, contextual advertising and e-mailing, to promote sites and attract a target audience. SELECTOR.SPACE develops individual promotion strategies, taking into account the specifics of the client’s business and its goals.

    4. Other services:

      In addition to the design, development and promotion of sites, the web studio SELECTOR.SPACE can provide additional services. These include web hosting, technical support, website analytics and digital marketing consulting. This allows customers to receive a full range of services for the successful development of their online presence.

    5. Переваги співпраці з SELECTOR.SPACE:

      • Experience: SELECTOR.SPACE has many years of experience in the field of website design, development and promotion. This allows them to create quality products and execute projects of varying complexity.
      • Individual approach: The studio team understands the unique needs and goals of each client. We work closely together to achieve the best results.
      • Quality and urgency: SELECTOR.SPACE prioritizes high quality work and timely completion of projects, adhering to agreed deadlines.
      • Customer satisfaction: The studio strives to achieve complete satisfaction of its customers by providing them with quality solutions, effective communication and excellent service.

By turning to SELECTOR.SPACE, clients will receive a comprehensive approach covering all aspects of creating and promoting a unique website. From professional design that reflects the brand and provides a pleasant user experience, to the development of high-quality code and functionality. The SELECTOR.SPACE team also ensures effective promotion of the site in search engines, attracting more visitors and increasing the visibility of the business in the online environment.

In order to create a unique site that meets all the needs of the client, it is recommended to contact our team. We will discuss the requirements and details of the project, and provide relevant information for writing the article “Order a unique site”.

Requirements for a unique site

  1. Mobile adaptation:

    • Creation of a responsive design that ensures optimal display of the site on various devices, including computers, tablets and smartphones.
    • Adapting the size and location of interface elements to ensure ease of use on different screens.
  2. Download speed:

    • Optimization of code, images and site resources to reduce page load times.
    • Using caching and file compression to speed up content loading.
    • Choosing fast and reliable hosting to ensure fast access to the site.
  3. Security:

    • Setting up website protection against potential threats such as vulnerabilities, malicious attacks and intrusions.
    • Using the secure HTTPS protocol for secure data transfer between the server and the user.
    • Regular software updates, patches and security measures to prevent vulnerabilities.
  4. Ease of use:

    • Development of an intuitive and understandable site interface that allows users to easily navigate and perform the necessary actions.
    • Ensuring the convenience of filling out forms, interacting with site functions and obtaining the necessary information.
    • Using intuitive symbols, buttons and controls to facilitate user interaction with the site.

These requirements for a unique site will help ensure mobile friendliness, high speed and maximum convenience when interacting with your potential customers.

The unique site developed by the web studio SELECTOR.SPACE will meet the highest requirements of the modern Internet space. Thanks to mobile adaptation and fast loading, your site will be easily accessible and convenient for users on any device. Protection against potential threats and malicious attacks ensures the safety of your site and user data. An intuitive and clear interface will facilitate ease of use and improve the user experience.

Ordering a unique website from the SELECTOR.SPACE studio is a guarantee that you will receive a high-quality and professional product that meets your needs and requirements. A team of professionals will provide an individual approach to your project and make it unique. Cooperation with SELECTOR.SPACE will meet your expectations and help you achieve success in the online environment.

The process of working with us:

  • Order:

    • Meeting in person or online and discussing all the needs to solve business problems.
    • Recording of agreements in documents (Contract, Appendices to the Contract, Invoices, Acts of completed works) and their signing with the legal entity “SELECTOR.SPACE” LLC
  • Order a unique site. Briefing:

    • The client fills out a briefing, where he notes in detail the necessary points for work
    • The briefing includes a list of all necessary services for design, development and further promotion of the site
    • CRM system services are also included in the briefing. As an official partner and integrator of Perfectum CRM+ERP, we offer services for the purchase, configuration and full launch of a system for automation and conducting business online.
  • Analysis and conceptualization:

    Before starting the development of a unique website for our clients, the web studio SELEKTOR.SPACE conducts a complex analysis process. It includes target audience research, competitor analysis and assessment of market trends. This process aims to understand the unique needs and requirements of our clients, their competitive landscape and the latest trends in web development. This will help provide an effective conceptual solution for their site.

    The first step in our process is a thorough study of the target audience. We do research to understand who they are, what their needs and expectations are, what value they’re looking for in websites. We study their demographics, interests, online behavior and more. This allows us to create a site that exactly meets the needs and expectations of the target audience.

    The second step is competitor analysis. We conduct research and analyze the websites of competitors already operating in the industry. The team studies their design, functionality, content and marketing strategies. This analysis helps us understand what is working in the market, which elements are successful and which can be improved. We use this insight to create a competitive site that will stand out from others in the field.

    The last step is the assessment of market trends. We focus on researching the latest trends in web development. Namely, the latest technologies, design techniques and functionality. We monitor changes in user behavior and expectations in order to introduce innovative elements into the development of the site. This allows us to create modern and user-friendly sites that meet the needs of today’s audience.

    As a result of this comprehensive analysis process, we gain a deep understanding of our customers, their competitors and market trends. This information serves as the basis for the development of an effective conceptual solution for the unique site of our clients. We take into account all the identified features and needs in order to create a site that will be successful and attract the attention of the target audience. Will provide a competitive advantage and meet modern trends in web development.

  • Design and development:

    Creating a unique website requires detailed planning, technical expertise and the use of modern tools and technologies. The web studio SELECTOR.SPACE makes every effort to ensure high quality design and functionality for every site we create. Below we will introduce you to the stages we go through during the development of a unique website.

    1. Analyzing client requirements: We start by gathering the client’s requirements and ideas for their future website. This includes examining the business goals, target audience, and the main functions the site should perform. We engage with the client to understand their unique needs and requirements.
    2. Creation of a concept: Based on the analysis of the client’s requirements, we develop a concept for the design and functionality of the website. This includes creating the structure of the site, drawing up visual sketches and designing important elements of the interface.
    3. Graphic design: At this stage, our designers create an attractive and modern look for the website. We use graphic tools and software to create unique designs. We take into account the client’s brand identity and visual perception requests.
    4. Functionality Development: Once the design is approved, we begin to develop the functionality of the website. We use modern tools and technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, as well as frameworks and content managers to provide the required functionality. The team develops interactive elements, feedback forms, function buttons and other components to provide a convenient and effective user experience.
    5. Responsive design: We understand that the accessibility of a website design on different devices and screens is very important. Therefore, we develop an adaptive design that ensures optimal display and functionality of the site on computers, tablets and mobile devices.
    6. Testing and optimization: After the development is completed, we conduct comprehensive testing of the website to ensure its quality and compliance. We check the operation of all functions, visual integrity, speed and general correctness of the site. If necessary, we make corrections and optimize its performance.
    7. Release and support: After the successful completion of testing, we are ready to place the site on a live server and ensure its operation in a real environment. The team also provides post-release support to make sure the site is up and running and meeting the client’s needs.

Order a unique site. Experience and technologies

SELECTOR.SPACE has many years of experience in creating unique websites. We use the most advanced tools and technologies to achieve the best results. Our team consists of talented designers and developers who have joined together to provide innovative design, high functionality and a comfortable user experience.

We are always up to date with the latest trends in web design and development. This allows us to use modern tools and technologies. For efficient code development, our specialists use integrated development environments (IDEs), such as Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text or WebStorm.

Also, we use code versioning tools like Git. This tool allows us to effectively manage changes and work together with the development team. We also use unit testing and other testing methods. This approach allows us to ensure the stability and reliability of the functionality of the website.

Our goal is to create a unique website that is not only visually appealing, but also effectively performs its tasks and satisfies the client’s needs. We provide comprehensive solutions, taking into account every detail. It’s design and functionality, ensuring high quality and customer satisfaction.

Testing and optimization:

One of the important processes in developing a unique website is checking and testing the website to ensure it works optimally on different devices and browsers. In the web studio SELECTOR.SPACE, we pay special attention to the quality and reliability of our projects. Accordingly, each site undergoes a detailed check before its launch.

First of all, we ensure the compatibility of the site with various devices, such as computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones. We use responsive design. It allows the site to adapt to the screen size of the device that opens it. Thus, users will be able to conveniently browse the site from any device.

In addition, we test the site on different browsers. This list includes popular web browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge. This allows us to ensure that the site displays correctly and works smoothly in any of these browsers.

Our specialists carry out thorough checks on various devices and browsers, taking into account the peculiarities of each of them. We test the placement and display of content, the functionality of interactive elements, the speed of loading pages, as well as the correctness of the operation of feedback forms and other important site elements.

After the verification and testing process is completed, we are sure that the site is ready for launch and will be able to work optimally on any device and in any browser. We strive to provide the best experience for every site visitor, regardless of their choice of device or browser.

Stages included in the verification and testing process:

  1. Check placement and display of content: We check that all text, images, videos, graphics and other elements of the site are displayed properly on different devices and screen sizes. Specialists also make sure that the content is aligned correctly and does not violate the overall structure of the site.
  2. Functionality of interactive elements: The team checks the operation of all buttons, links, navigation menus, sliders and other interactive elements of the site. Confidence in their correct work helps to ensure the ease of use of the site for visitors.
  3. Page loading speed: We test the loading time of each page of the site on different devices and in different browsers. Loading speed is of great importance for the satisfaction of visitors and the improvement of the site’s position in search engines.
  4. Feedback forms and other important elements: It is important to check the correct operation of feedback forms, newsletter subscriptions, online orders and other functions that may be important to site visitors. We make sure that data is transferred and processed correctly.

After the successful completion of the verification and testing process, we make the necessary corrections and optimizations to improve the site’s functionality and performance. The team also ensures that the site complies with security and data protection standards to ensure the privacy and security of visitors.

  • Order a unique site. Professional tools

In the web studio SELECTOR.SPACE, we use various tools and technologies for effective testing. Our specialists use simulators and real  devices with different operating systems and browser versions. This helps ensure that the site works properly on all platforms. We also perform manual testing, review life usage scenarios, and debug to identify possible bugs.

Our team of professionals inspects and tests the site, and takes into account messages and feedback from customers for continuous improvement. We are confident that our efforts ensure the optimal performance of the site on different devices and browsers. A list of these actions allows you to achieve high user satisfaction and the success of your business in the online environment.

If you want to order a unique site from the web studio SELECTOR.SPACE, we guarantee that your site will pass all necessary inspections and testing. We will ensure its reliable and optimal operation on different devices and browsers. Our goal is to make your site successful and enjoyable to use for every visitor. We understand that every business has unique needs and target audience, so we make every effort to provide an individual approach to the development and testing of your site.

  • Deployment and support:

We are happy to provide you with the service of deploying the site on hosting and ensuring its smooth operation and security after launch.

When the site is ready, our team of professionals will start the process of deploying it on high-quality hosting. We guarantee a fast and reliable process of placing your site on the Internet, which will ensure that your web project is available to visitors at any time. Our specialists will provide the optimal configuration of the hosting environment to ensure high page loading speed and optimize the performance of your site. We work with Gigacloud, the best cloud hosting provider in Ukraine, creating the most optimal solutions together.

After successfully deploying your website on hosting, our team will be in constant contact with you to ensure full support of its functionality and security. We understand that the site must be available and operational at all times, so we are ready to take all necessary steps to ensure its continuous operation.

Order a unique site and not worry about updating it

Our team will be responsible for updating the website, providing you with the latest software versions and regular backups to prevent data loss. We also protect your site from unauthorized access and malicious attacks. Our team will install the necessary security measures. It protects against DDoS attacks, encrypts data and establishes strong password access to ensure your website is secure.

In addition, our team of experts is always ready to provide technical support for the site. Feel free to contact us with any questions, concerns, or changes you need to make to the website. We will ensure a quick response and provide professional assistance to ensure the smooth operation of your site.

Our goal is to make the process of deploying a website on hosting simple and hassle-free. We will ensure the high quality of work and reliability of your site, so that you can focus on your business activities, knowing that your web project is with a reliable company.

If you order hosting deployment from SELECTOR.SPACE, you will undoubtedly receive technical support, reliability and security of your site. Contact us today to start creating your unique web project.

Order a unique site that meets the functional requirements:

  • Structure and navigation: It is important to note the clear structure of the site and user-friendly navigation.
  • Content management: Requirements for a content management system that allows you to conveniently add, edit and delete content on the site.
  • Feedback forms: The need to include functional feedback forms that allow visitors to contact the studio or leave a request for consultation.
  • Integration with social networks: Requirements for the possibility of easy integration of the site with various social networks to increase its social activity and distribution of content.

Order a unique site, technical requirements:

    • Web Technology Stack:

      The vast majority of sites developed in the company are implemented on CMS WordPress. Using this content management system allows you to flexibly develop website pages. And also use only the functionality that is necessary for the operation of the site, achieving maximum speed and minimum load.
      The CMS itself is written and managed in the PHP programming language and uses a large number of hooks and ready-made plugins.

      WordPress is the main tool for website development | SELECTOR.SPACEWoocommerce - technology for the development of Ecommerce projects | SELECTOR.SPACE

We combine the power of the PHP language with CSS markup and the JavaScript programming language.

With the help of such powerful functionality, we are not limited either in terms of functionality or appearance.

      • Responsive design:

        In today’s digital world where information is accessed through a variety of devices, it is important to have a website that will display and function properly on any device. Therefore, we pay special attention to the requirement to create a site with an adaptive design.

        Responsive design means that the website automatically adapts to the size and characteristics of the screen of the device on which it is viewed. Regardless of whether the user uses a computer, tablet or smartphone, the site will be optimally displayed, providing a convenient and aesthetic interaction with the content.

        Our team of web development professionals will provide a responsive design for your website. It will look great and work on any device. We use advanced technologies and best practices to ensure optimal display of information, convenient navigation and support of all functionality regardless of device type.

        Making your site accessible and attractive to visitors on different devices is our priority. We take into account all your needs and wishes when creating a website, so that your presence on the Internet becomes successful.

        Order a unique site with optimal display

        Responsive design also helps ensure optimal display of content, including texts, images, videos and other elements. We use clever placement and stretching techniques. This ensures their comfortable perception on different devices, avoid unreadable or undersized images, and also ensure optimal use of the available screen space.

        In addition, we carefully check the compatibility of your site with different web browsers and operating systems to ensure that it works optimally on any device. We are confident that your website will look professional, modern and attractive on all platforms.

        Our goal is to provide you with a web presence that will effectively attract users’ attention and create a positive impression of your brand. By ordering the creation of a site with responsive design from us, you will receive flexibility, functionality and an aesthetic experience that will definitely contribute to your success.

        Contact us today and we’ll be happy to help you create a unique responsive website that will impress your audience regardless of the device they’re using.

        We have a blog article where we go into detail about responsive design – https://blog.selector.space/en/category/design/

      • SEO optimization:

        We would like to emphasize the importance of website optimization in order to increase its visibility in search engines and achieve a high ranking on search pages. Site optimization is a key element in any successful online strategy, as it helps you attract more visitors, increase conversions and improve your position in search engines.

        Search engines like Google are constantly updating their algorithms, taking into account various factors to determine the ranking of websites. Optimizing your site includes aspects such as keywords, unique content, page load speed, internal link structure, mobile compatibility and much more. These factors are critical to your visibility and ranking in search engines.

        Our team of professionals is ready to provide you with optimization services for your website. We will study the specifics of your niche and your target audience, conduct keyword research and develop an optimization strategy that meets your needs. We will also make the necessary technical adjustments and make changes to your site to ensure its optimal visibility in search engines.

      • Order a unique site and not worry about security:

        The security of your website is our priority. We understand the importance of protecting your data, preventing breaches and vulnerabilities, and providing disaster recovery. Therefore, we set high requirements for the application of reliable security methods for your site.

        The first and most important step is data encryption. We use modern encryption protocols such as SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) or its successor TLS (Transport Layer Security) to protect the transmission of sensitive information between the user and the server. This ensures that the data will be encrypted and protected from interception by attackers.

        The second aspect is protection against hacking and vulnerabilities. We use state-of-the-art security measures. These are regular software updates, strong password access, restrictions on file and database access rights. We also install a monitoring system to detect possible attacks and inconsistencies in the security system.

        The third aspect is backup. We regularly back up your site and database to ensure recovery in the event of data loss or an incident. Backups are stored in a secure location with limited access, ensuring their integrity and availability when needed.

        Regular monitoring

        We provide constant monitoring of the security of your site. Our team of specialists monitors possible threats and anomalies in the operation of the site, responds to potential problems in a timely manner and takes measures to prevent them. We install intrusion detection systems and monitor site activity to ensure its security.

        All these requirements for the application of reliable protection methods allow us to guarantee that your website will be provided with the maximum level of security. We understand that the website is an important asset to you and it is our responsibility to ensure its integrity, privacy and availability.

        Protecting your site from potential threats is our priority. By ordering services from SELEKTOR.SPACE, you can be sure that your web project is under reliable protection, and we will do everything possible to ensure the smooth operation of your site and protect it from potential threats.

Terms and budget to order a unique site:

We usually offer the following terms of performance of our services:

    • Design – 10-15 days from the moment of discussing all issues or filling out the briefing
    • Development – 15-30 days from the day of full design approval
    • Internal optimization of the site – 7-10 days after the end of development
    • External promotion (SEO) – in 6-12 months of work, we will display the position of the site in the TOP search engines (on 1 page of output)
    • Creation of corporate mail – 2 days
    • Deployment of the site on hosting or its transfer – 2 days
    • Domain registration – 1 day
    • Writing unique texts (copywriting, rewriting) for SEO (in Ukrainian and English) – 3-4 texts in 1 day
    • Purchase of CRM, Project, Retail or ERP system – 2 days
    • Initial setup of CRM, Project, Retail or ERP system – 10-30 days from the moment of payment
    • Data transfer from one version of CRM, Project, Retail or ERP system to another – 7 days
    • CRM, Project, Retail or ERP system support – around the clock
    • Consultation on work in CRM, Project, Retail or ERP systems – from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday-Friday
    • Prices for all types of services are listed on the Price page

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