Advantages of unique design
After analyzing the niche, competitors, and mission of the site (the first steps for organic SEO promotion), it is time to think about the appearance. We offer a unique design for everyone individually. We provide quality services:
- Website design
- Logo design
- Business card design
- Design of flyers
Unique website design
Our approach is to first agree to look with the customer and then implement it. Not infrequently, business owners want to save on design. This is a bad decision because the result is even greater financial and time costs. At first glance, it is easy to take a product page from one existing site, part of the main page from another, and the remaining part from a third site. But in practice, the customer will receive parts that are not connected by anything and not a single resource. In conclusion:
- unclear appearance that can easily confuse visitors;
- unrelated elements that are supposed to fulfill one mission – to bring the client into business;
- lack of a single-color corporate solution;
- “strange” site elements – different in size and behavior on different extensions;
- transfer errors already existing on the original sites. If a similar site has errors that prevent it from attracting additional traffic and, accordingly, customers, then this approach will burden the new site as well;
- uniqueness of content. For search engines, the uniqueness of the content is extremely important. After copying “someone else’s” text, the new site will simply work on the “original”, because search engines already know where the text appeared for the first time;
- endless changes. When you try to correct the shortcomings of copying from several sources, you will spend several times more time, and therefore the financial costs will increase many times.
So please save your time, nerves and money. Take a comprehensive approach to creating your company’s online presence.
Logo design
The logo should not be too complicated, on the contrary, it should be easy to remember from the first second. The site will be unique and unlike other tabs in the browser. Also, it is the high-quality logo that first greets visitors upon entering the site. It will be used in branding and promotional products for both online and offline advertising campaigns.
One of the requirements for the logo is that it must be created in vector graphics. We believe that this is a prerequisite for the image to look good and be clear both on mobile phones and on large billboards.
The logo itself should embody a corporate color solution and clearly highlight or characterize the company’s activities – services or production.
Business card design
A logo and a website are a business cards in the Internet space, but it is also important to interact with offline customers. Here, a high-quality and concise business card will present the company. It will provide concise information about services and methods of communication. Of course, it should be made in corporate colors and emphasize the company’s brand with a logo. Business card design is one of the main elements of the site and as is logo. As always, we offer to work on all business needs in a complex. Take everything into account, everything down to the smallest detail, combining it into a successful system of work for the success of the company.
Design of flyers
A flyer is no longer a business card because it is usually larger and contains a temporary promotion or information about an event. But we do not advise deviating from the corporate colors or changing the image of the logo when developing the design. The company must have its own unique design, unique to it. Of course, the main thing on the flyer will be information about promotional discounts, events, but at the same time, you need to make sure that a person can clearly read the company’s style. On the reverse side, you should indicate the way to the place where you will hold the event or event. Also, designers often place a QR code for mobile devices in one of the corners. Nowadays, it is rare to meet a person who is looking for the right place with a piece of paper.
A unique design is a successful image for a business. Over time, you can rebrand, change the name of the company, or expand its services, but you should always adhere to the corporate style. People do not remember colored pieces of paper and websites. Patterns have become necessary in general and in detail at the same time.
Simple can be harder than complex
Steve Jobs
We will provide answers to questions and clarifications by phone at a time convenient for you: 066 389 02 24 or 096 81 00 132.
Telegram – @selector_space, Viber – 066 389 02 24, WhatsApp – +380 66 389 0224
Or fill out the form on this page.
Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and Pinterest. We constantly share useful information about our work and successful cases.
Site design
Logo design
Business card design
Flyer design
Site design
All elements of the site should work on a common goal - to attract new and retain current customers. No inscription or image is placed by itself. In the design of the site, we reflect the essence and mission of the company that you want to convey to visitors.
Order website design
Logo design
The logo is a symbol of the company. Clear, bright and at the same time not overloaded - briefly characterizes the direction of the company in business and value for customers.
Order logo design
Business card design
Regardless of the field of activity, very quickly exchange contacts with partners or customers using a business card. We will compactly combine a finely thought-out site design, its main aspects with contact details and we will place it with taste on a business card.
Order business card design
Flyer design
It is convenient to notify online or offline about a promotion or event using a flyer.. The flyer provides more space than a business card to emphasize an event or promotional offer. We create a unique design of flyers in compliance with the corporate color palette of the company.
Order flyer design
Basic services
Site development
Balance between power and appearance of a business tool
Promotion (SEO)
It is your goods and services that will be in the TOP search engine results
A unique design will distinguish your business from competitors
crm, Retail, project, ERP
All processes in business should work clearly and for results
Social Media marketing

All processes in business should work clearly and for results